
Quality is the main strength of Orbit Diagnostics.

We have a state-of-the-art Quality Assurance / Quality Control department equipped with advanced technology.

Quality is the main strength of Orbit Diagnostics. At Orbit Diagnostics we developed, manufacture, and market the finest quality and most comprehensive range of instrument to all size of laboratory by striving for absolute customer satisfaction through a prompt and reliable support services.

At Orbit Diagnostics we have an ultra-modern Quality Assurance/Quality Control department with all sophisticated equipment.

For all our product manufacturing we use the finest quality of material which has been approved by our stringent Quality Assurance protocols.

We maintain the products quality with assurance and the quality is controlled by different protocols of studies. All the products are approved with accelerated stability studies done and released into the market. Our products are approved by Quality Control department with help of International Quality Standard Controls & Reference standards.

To get the customer utmost satisfaction we are also participating in “External Quality Assurance Service Program” of International and Domestic accredited bodies.

Process Validation is the main step to maintain our quality. All our products, equipment, and staff have been validated on timely basis to check for the consistency of quality.

Our Quality Assurance/Quality Control staff provides intensive product training to our sales staff and clients as on when required. Provide technical support for the clients regarding the product problems.

We maintain all our Quality and Production process as per norms of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 13485: 2016, GMP, FDA and CE.

Our Quality Certifications

Click on image to zoom it

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 13485:2016

Our Revolutionary Healthcare Solutions

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